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El pañuelo "Empoderadas" es de seda FPD y mide 60x60 y 100x100 cm.

Plasma los característicos trazos de Ana Clerici texturizados simulando pintura sobre seda.

Es un producto artesanal, de seda sublimada y cosido a mano. 

Hay pocas unidades disponibles.

Reserva la tuya!


The "Empoderadas" scarf is made of FPD silk and its size is  60x60 or 100x100 cm.

Capture Ana Clerici 's characteristic textured strokes simulating painting on silk.

It is a handmade product, made of sublimated silk and sewn by hand.
Few units are available. Reserve yours!

Pañuelo Empoderadas - Empoderadas Scarf

35,00 €価格
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